The truth is, most PT’s graduate from their course with no idea they are about to start a career in sales! We study because we are passionate about helping others, and we live and breathe health and fitness... but where was the part in the brochure about selling sessions?
If you think you are going to graduate and instantly have full books packed with clients, I’m here to say sorry, that won’t be the case. Unfortunately, no matter how skilled of a trainer you are, your skills will not just sell themselves! Sales and marketing are a huge portion of having a successful personal training career. Despite what you see on social media, the first six months as a personal trainer can be a grind of one step forwards, three steps back. New trainers get onto the gym floor and are suddenly dumped with the realisation that this job is not the easy money-maker that every “online trainer” on Instagram led them to believe. The fear of rejection and failure set in, and instead of seeking further education on business, sales, and marketing, they throw in the towel. It is thought that up to 90% of personal trainers leave the industry within their first year of business - an alarming statistic! It doesn’t have to be this way! With some simple planning and educating yourself on basic sales and marketing skills, you can take steps towards building a rewarding, sustainable and profitable career. The first step to creating a flourishing personal trainer career is to set some goals and create a plan to achieve them! We have covered goal-setting in previous articles (insert link?) so today we are going to go over how to create a sales and marketing plan for your business.